Terms of use
General terms of using the website www.mirasoul.si
Company Mirasoul d.o.o. can use on its website collected e-mail addresses of visitors for sending e-news. Mirasoul d.o.o. is bound to protect the personal information according to Laws protecting personal information (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov) and will only use them for internal purposes and will not forward them to other person or entity. To prevent unauthorized access to these data and to ensure their correct usage Mirasoul d.o.o. will use appropriate technological and organizational procedures to protect collected information.
Graphic material and contents published on the website www.mirasoul.si are owned by Mirasoul d.o.o. and can only be used for non-commercial purposes, although, one must still preserve all stated warnings about copyrights and , therefore, cannot copy, reproduce or otherwise distribute without the written consent of the owner. Mirasoul d.o.o. is not responsible for shape and content of web pages, which are in any way connected with web page www.mirasoul.si. While visiting and using related web pages the responsibility of Mirasoul d.o.o. is excluded. Mirasoul d.o.o. does not answer for occasional failure of the web page, any inaccuracy of information, and cannot be held responsible for any damage done while using inaccurate or incomplete information.
Mirasoul d.o.o. will try to have correct and up to date content on the web page www.mirasoul.si. However, Mirasoul d.o.o. nor any other person or entity which is or was participating at making the web page cannot be responsible for damage, lost profit or non-pecuniary damage done by using the web page or being unable to use the web page.
Mirasoul d.o.o. reserves the right to change the contents published on its web pages. By publishing these terms of use of the web page www.mirasoul.si these terms come into force. With the usage of the web page www.mirasoul.si a user agrees to have read these terms and agreed to them.